Family Law

“UK couples split pensions in just 13% of divorces”

This report is very worrying – pensions are an enormously important part of consideration in divorce, and missing out on a share is unfair and unnecessary. We can help negotiate this and arrange an expert report to help you come to an agreement on a fair deal....

“Can I claim my ex’s pension after 27 years of separation?”

Good advice. Pensions are hugely important - but divorces and financial orders after a long separation are complicated by significant changes in circumstances and can be unnecessarily complex and expensive. Each party does retain a claim against the other - but how...

“Thinking about tax around a divorce”

Great advice - consider your position on tax after you have full disclosure of assets and income to help you negotiate a fair deal. See our DivorceDeals process for a neutral, quicker, and cheaper way to get financial information clear and understood before...

One fifth of divorces wrongly ending up in court

Conflicts in court have increased hugely since legal aid has more or less ended and litigants in person flooded proceedings. This helps no one – the court process does not deal with blame and revenge.