The family court will look at all assets, including the realisable income and capital value of any investment in a limited company when deciding upon a financial order in divorce proceedings. But the valuation must be fair and is best assessed by a neutral accountant....
finances and assets
Doing the Deal in Divorce
Getting the best result for clients in divorce finance cases is not about choosing negotiation OR court proceedings. It can be about using both to force clear and comprehensive disclosure of finances, on a timetable set by the court, at the same time as negotiating...
Deciding to retire early – how does that affect pensions in divorce cases?
Let's look at 2 hypothetical cases. Mr and Mrs Smith decided not to invest in pensions. They bought Buy to Let properties as investments for their retirement, and at the date of their separation, these were worth a net equity of £750,000. Mr and Mrs Jones invested...
“Martin Lewis issues warning to unmarried couples living together in UK over inheritance law”
This is a timely reminder that cohabitation and marriage have totally different rules when it comes to separation and inheritance. Take advice or risk unexpected results when you separate or make arrangements for beneficiaries from your estate after death. We can help...
“UK couples split pensions in just 13% of divorces”
This report is very worrying – pensions are an enormously important part of consideration in divorce, and missing out on a share is unfair and unnecessary. We can help negotiate this and arrange an expert report to help you come to an agreement on a fair deal....
“Business and Divorce: Dividing Company Assets in the UK”
Complex cases in divorce involving business can still be settled by agreement . We can help you whether you feel you can deal with finances by negotiation TOGETHER in our Divorce Deals offering, or through court proceedings where we always aim to achieve a settlement...
“Few couples applying for joint divorce, HMCTS figures reveal”
The joint application suffers from a fatal flaw in that one party can change their mind halfway through and delay everything. So this news is not surprising. Read more here
“Can I stop my spouse sharing my inheritance on divorce?”
Good advice. This is not a matrimonial asset BUT may still be taken into account if the needs of either party so require. Not possible to guarantee ring-fencing. Read more here
“Can I claim my ex’s pension after 27 years of separation?”
Good advice. Pensions are hugely important - but divorces and financial orders after a long separation are complicated by significant changes in circumstances and can be unnecessarily complex and expensive. Each party does retain a claim against the other - but how...