
Is a divorce lawyer worth it?

Now that we have online no-fault divorce - why do you need a divorce lawyer? That’s just what Mat thought when he separated from his wife of 20 years. He expected to be able to do it all easily online in a few months. But it didn’t work out that way. He didn’t realise...

“What are the main reasons for divorce in retirement?”

Married life typically goes in stages :- before children, with children, empty nest, retirement. Any new stage requires a reorganisation of the relationship and can lead to breakdown. The introduction of pension sharing in divorce has made it more possible for wives...

Woman divorces husband because he ‘never made me tea’

So many relationships end on a minor complaint like this – but a little enquiry usually reveals years of problems. No-fault divorce means that lists of allegations are no longer necessary, and allows both to put past disagreements aside and get down to making a fair...

“Divorce Rate Jumps to 8-Year High Amidst Lockdown”

The stresses of lockdown and the enforced concentration on their relationship without outside intervention has forced many couples to rethink their partnership and indeed lifestyle.  Divorce rates spiked throughout England and Wales to the highest number in eight...