#3 in a series of commentaries from the family law Courtroom. No names obviously, but a focus on the mechanics of many cases, which illustrate the many “routes to goal” available to the experienced family lawyer, seeking the most efficient and economic solution for...
My husband has control of all the money -how can I challenge him in our divorce?
Eleanor was devastated when her husband of 30 years told her that he wanted a divorce. As a stay-at-home mum of four now adult children, she had been devoted to the home and family management as well as organising the inevitable social life which came with her husband...
Is a divorce lawyer worth it?
Now that we have online no-fault divorce - why do you need a divorce lawyer? That’s just what Mat thought when he separated from his wife of 20 years. He expected to be able to do it all easily online in a few months. But it didn’t work out that way. He didn’t realise...
Deciding to retire early – how does that affect pensions in divorce cases?
Let's look at 2 hypothetical cases. Mr and Mrs Smith decided not to invest in pensions. They bought Buy to Let properties as investments for their retirement, and at the date of their separation, these were worth a net equity of £750,000. Mr and Mrs Jones invested...
More babies born to unwed parents for first time EVER as Stacey Solomon leads growing trend
Cohabitees do not have the same rights as married parties. In particular, there is no right to maintenance or capital for the unmarried parent with care of a young child, just child maintenance at the statutory rates and possibly capital to provide accommodation until...
“What are the main reasons for divorce in retirement?”
Married life typically goes in stages :- before children, with children, empty nest, retirement. Any new stage requires a reorganisation of the relationship and can lead to breakdown. The introduction of pension sharing in divorce has made it more possible for wives...
Woman divorces husband because he ‘never made me tea’
So many relationships end on a minor complaint like this – but a little enquiry usually reveals years of problems. No-fault divorce means that lists of allegations are no longer necessary, and allows both to put past disagreements aside and get down to making a fair...
“More men than women have thought about divorcing their partner in 2023”
In 2021, 63.1% of divorces were initiated by women, according to the Office of National Statistics. And yet this study suggests that men are more likely to think about it. Very interesting – why are the women more decisive? Is it because they have greater problems...
“Divorce Rate Jumps to 8-Year High Amidst Lockdown”
The stresses of lockdown and the enforced concentration on their relationship without outside intervention has forced many couples to rethink their partnership and indeed lifestyle. Divorce rates spiked throughout England and Wales to the highest number in eight...