Getting to a fair deal in divorce – even when you think that’s impossible

Everyone wants their divorce to be as painless as possible. But they also want a fair deal.

How do you square that circle if you know nothing about the finances or one of you insists they have a right to more than seems fair, or the children’s needs seem to be overlooked – or indeed loads of other apparently intractable problems? Let me reassure you straight away. The vast majority of divorce finance disputes can be settled – one way or another. We can offer two paths to success:

1. DivorceDeals

Mike Gordon is our Forensic Accountant with over 20 years of experience in advising divorce clients. He can clarify, explain and analyse your finances TOGETHER. This is an invaluable service to couples where one of you has no knowledge or experience of the finances or part of them ( perhaps in a business). And understanding your whole financial picture usually leads to most issues being agreed.

When difficulties remain, an appointment with an experienced family lawyer (either Penny Raby or another of your choice) can advise on the likely outcome if the matter went to court.

This process is cheaper, quicker, and less traumatic than court! BUT both have to give comprehensive and clear cooperation .and if that is not going to happen, for any reason, we offer –

2. Our Divorce Service

Penny Raby has been advising clients for over 40 years, getting the best deals either in negotiation or at trial. Of course, nobody wants to end up in court- but the power of the court to force financial disclosure and cooperation is sometimes necessary. Court proceedings do not end negotiation- that carries on and the dual action of court process and negotiation facilitates a deal in the vast majority of cases. This means that the settlement is finalised by a Consent Order – but we will proceed to trial if that is needed for a fair result for our client. Get to a fair deal in your divorce – one way or another!

Come and visit us for more advice – first telcon free

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