
Cheat’s Charter or Human Right?

The rules on using private information in divorce proceedings In financial proceedings in divorce in England and Wales, there is an absolute rule of comprehensive and ongoing disclosure of finances so that it is possible to negotiate a settlement or make an order...

Is a divorce lawyer worth it?

Now that we have online no-fault divorce - why do you need a divorce lawyer? That’s just what Mat thought when he separated from his wife of 20 years. He expected to be able to do it all easily online in a few months. But it didn’t work out that way. He didn’t realise...

Possession is not 9/10 of the law in divorce!

You do not automatically lose your rights over the family home if you move out. Particularly where property is owned by both or either of you, your name on the title, or a matrimonial home rights notice registered at the Land Registry, will protect your position until...